Ventura is a powersports company with 39 years of tradition that brings in its essence innovative concepts, cutting-edge technology and passion for what it develops, and which will proudly participate in the 30th Congress and ExpoFenabrave. The event is the largest in Latin America in the Automotive Vehicle Distribution Sector and promotes the meeting between companies and entrepreneurs related to the theme in Brazil.
It will be a pleasure to introduce you to all the vehicles in the Ventura Adventure line, as well as our practical, innovative and profitable business model, which is rapidly expanding throughout Brazil.
September 21st and 22nd, from 9:30 am to 7 pm, at São Paulo Expo.
Mergulhe de vez no mundo náutico com todo o estilo, segurança e tecnologia que merece.
Casco + Motor Yamaha 115hp
50% Entrada
24x R$ 4.277,08
Muito espaço na proa e cockpit, tecnologia e estilo. Curtir um belo visual a bordo da V250 ganha outro significado.
Casco + Motor Volvo 280mec SX
50% Entrada
24x R$ 7.372,92
Seja na Área Gourmet, Solarium ou no conforto da Ampla Cabine, curtir a bordo da V265 é uma experiência única em navegação.
Casco + Motor Volvo 280evc SX
50% Entrada
24x R$ 8.964,58
A qualidade Ventura que você já conhece, agora nos Pontoons.